How to Increase Accountability in the Workplace? Carrot and Stick Does Not Work

Carrot and the Stick Does Not Work
Boost performance and morale with words of affirmation over presents
Your employees don’t care about company gifts as much as you think they do. According to a recent Snappy survey of over 100,000 employees, only 6% noted gifts as their preferred token of appreciation from employers. Without a history of Balanced Accountability or effective leadership, a present for the holidays can be like the “carrot and the stick”: a false and counterproductive motivator.Many years ago, farmers would wake up early to hitch their mules to the plow. They would grab a carrot from their garden and tie it to a stick, using the contraption to get the mule to move. It worked for a little while, but the animal would get wise. Once it realized that it was never going to get that carrot, it would shut down, leaving their farmer in a bind. If you dangle promises of recognition in the faces of your staff, they will eventually become disengaged and leave when you don’t deliver. This is an old and ineffective way to manage. It’s time to embrace a new way to get long term results, win hearts, and maximize potential with Balanced Accountability. The Best Gift You Can GiveYear-end perks are important but done poorly, and you could end up sending the wrong message. An impersonal, poorly planned, or cheap offering can make your employees feel undervalued. You don’t need to spend an exorbitant amount of money to show your appreciation. But you do need to be considerate, and not just once a year. The same Snappy survey found that:• 46% of employees prefer words of affirmation over presents• 26% of employees prefer quality time with a supervisor or a coworker• 22% of employees value receiving help from supervisors or colleagues on a projectEveryone wants to feel valued in their profession. Get started by showing your employees a bit of love this season. Some well thought out gifts, respect, and kindness should do the trick to convey how much they mean to you.
Great Gift – Handwritten Card I recently received a handwritten thank you card in the mail. Keep in mind what I usually receive junk mail and bills in my mailbox. So anytime I get a handwritten card, it always blows me away. Handwritten notes always elevate the message so much more than text or email.The note came in a beautiful card from Lovepop. I’ve officially thrown away my boring ones and upgrade to these amazing cards.Link to LovePop Cards
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About the Author:
Hernani Alves is an entrepreneur, author, international speaker, and executive consultant with over twenty years of business experience as a Sales Executive for a $3 Billion Company. He’s the founder of Balanced IQ, a company that helps leaders build world-class teams focused on getting sustainable results in varying economic climates.
In his book, Balanced Accountability: Three Leadership Secrets to Win Hearts and Maximize Performance, Alves delivers a newfound clarity on the case for accountability and the steps organizations, and individuals need to take to unleash their potential. He reveals the frame work needed to improve accountability in the workplace to win hearts and maximize performance.
To connect with Alves, please visit his LinkedIn Profile, Facebook or Amazon Author’s Page
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