Getting Results
With Hernani
Request That Hernani Train Your Team
Business training can take your team’s performance to a whole new level. Hernani is a skilled business educator who can speak at your business either in person or remotely to boost the strategic thinking and insight of your team members.
Hernani’s energetic, adult learning principles style of training makes it easy for participants to follow and absorb. Hernani’s content routinely has the ability to blow your mind, shift your paradigm, and most importantly, inspire action.
To request Hernani as a trainer or keynote speaker at your business, please click on the button below and fill out the contact form that opens.

What People Are Saying
About Hernani

Hernani’s work on Balanced Accountability drives every aspect of an organization’s success. Here is a roadmap helping to create high performance organizations. Having clear accountability is a crucial element to bring out the best in people and help drive your company to exceptional business success.
Dr. Robert L Lorber
CEO of The Lorber Kamai Consulting Group, Co-author Putting The One Minute Manager To Work with Ken Blanchard