
Need a thoughtful, insightful speaker at your event or conference?
Hernani Is A Skilled Presenter And Trainer Who Brings A Robust Ability To Convey What Matters In A Way That Sticks. He Is Passionate About Using Stories And Educating Others In A Way That Brings Outcomes To The Listeners And Stimulates Action.
The Audience Will Walk Away With Something Real, Something Dynamic, And Something That Transforms Their Lives For The Better.
Popular Key Notes and Workshops:
"Ownership Culture with Balanced Accountability"
"Champion Advantage - Become the Change You Want"
"Change = Improvements - Embrace the Opportunity"
"Sales D.E.C.K. - Sales Amateur to Professional"

Short Sound Bite on How to Fall In Love with Accountability
Game Changing
Hernani Alves is an international speaker, Amazon Best Selling Author, that entertains and inspires audiences of all ages with a fresh perspective on leadership, effective communication, and teamwork to supercharge their personal and professional success!
As a visionary leader, Hernani bring extensive experience driving revenue earnings, building world-class teams, solving profitability challenges, and instituting sustainable change in varying economic climates.